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Crystal Healing Meanings 2

This crystal healing property sheet gives you a simple reference guide to the meanings of various stones.

Are you ready to use the power of crystals to get your life on track?

This crystal healing guide gives you the meaning and benefits of various stones. You will find a description of the metaphysical properties and chakra balancing information for popular healing stones carried at Satin Crystals.* 

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natural green and black emerald stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsEmerald is a power player, reigning over all of the other gemstones. This stone of royalty and success has been a favorite among Kings and Queens throughout the ages. When you tap into Emerald's magic, others will suddenly notice your regal traits and charming personality. Feel Emerald's strong pull at the Heart Chakra. The precious gemstone exudes love, bringing to you the elusive domestic bliss and loyalty in relationships. It commands unity in partners, unconditional love, and unwavering friendships- because you are worth no less than that. Learn more about Emerald, the Royal Ruler.

natural green epidote cluster stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsEpidote crystal is your personal nurse, looking after you during hard times and illness. Epidote enhances the positive energies in yourself and those around you. It doesn't tolerate negativity and replaces bad vibes with good ones. It is a Heart Chakra crystal that is full of giving love.

natural yellow and brown graphic feldspar stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsFeldspar helps you finally let go of the past so you can move on to reach new goals rather than drowning in old regrets. It opens the Third Eye Chakra for creative, innovative thinking. Zebradorite is a Graphic Feldspar. Other shimmery sheen schiller stones under this blanket category include Amazonite, Moonstone, Sunstone, and Labradorite.

natural green and purple fluorite stone sphere - Satin Crystals meaningsFluorite sharpens your ability to focus and concentrate, calming the nerves, and gearing you up to achieve your goals. No wonder it's called the Genius Stone. What a great crystal to have beside you for use in the office during deadline crunches and in the classroom during tests. Fluorite comes in a variety of colors to please everyone's eye. Each type of Fluorite will have additional healing properties and Chakra associations. 

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gray and white fossil stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsFossils help you ditch old and outdated thinking so that you can advance with modern times. Stay relevant. Grab a hold of your favorite Fossils through your times of transitions, transformations, and personal growth. This historic treasure opens a window into Time when you use it for past life healing work. Fossils of both plants and animals are all effective on your lower chakras. Learn more about Fossils, the Time Catcher. 

natural green fuchsite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsFuchsite stands up for you when enough is enough. It helps you out of the vicious cycle of martyrdom and talks you out of that victim mentality holding you down. This empowering crystal is motivational, zapping away lazy habits, and procrastination. It opens your Heart Chakra to a gush of love, inspiring you to achieve your goals and dreams.

natural indigo gabbro stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsGabbro is known as Mystical Merlinite, giving you access to the magical secrets of Merlin. It inspires your inner witch or wizard, awakening the magic in your life that had been dampened by stressful reality. This stone soothes angry outbursts, tensions, and violent thoughts. Gabbro balances the Third Eye and Crown chakras, helping you delve deep into occult and metaphysics. It connects you with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, and Guardian Angels. 

natural hessonite garnet biotite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsGarnet stirs your inner fire with its deep and lustrous qualities. It brings passion to your ideas, fueling action, and manifestation. It cheers you on to get the job done rather than just talk. Be a champion, not a spectator, says this gemstone. Garnet is the stone of total health, energizing your physical body, Root Chakra, and your lust for life. It is most famous for its lovely wine tone, but Garnet also comes in other glorious colors. 

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glittering navy blue goldstone stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsGoldstone lights up your life with happiness like a starry sky in the night. It shows you how to appreciate the glitter that shines within every person, thing, and situation. With an orientation of copper and glass, Goldstone conducts energy efficiently for your healing practices. You feel the rush of power when it comes in contact with your skin. Goldstone comes in an array of colors that align with various chakras.  

natural blue hawks eye stone - satin crystals meaningsHawks Eye is the blue brother of Tigers Eye, equally as fierce and protective. Hawks eye teaches you how to keep a keen eye on any situation, so no one can take advantage of you. Pay attention to the fine details of each circumstance and keep yourself ahead of the crowd. Hawks Eye infuses your Root and Third Eye chakras with cunning strength and abilities. Learn more about Hawks Eye, the keen flier of the Tigers Eye clan.

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natural metallic hematite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsHematite is a stone of the people, ushering in hope, optimism, and courage even through the toughest of times. It is the Charismatic Circulator, beloved for its power to circulate both energy flow and blood flow. This protective energy crystal keeps away the bad. It enhances charisma and a magnetic personality. Use shiny Hematite to balance the Root Chakra. 


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natural white and gray howlite stone - satin crystals healingHowlite is your life coach, always wanting to see you in your best shape. It is the best crystal to have when you are ready to shake off bad habits and start new, healthy life choices. Howlite is the pick for those overcoming addictions, overeating, and even mentally destructive thoughts. Feel the joy and security in knowing Howlite is always on your side while you take steps forward, and even when you slip a step back. This is a stone used to unblock the Crown Chakra and connect you with your right path in this lifetime. Howlite mitigates anger with its soothing energies. 

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natural shiny hypersthene stone - satin crystals meaningsHypersthene is a problem-solving stone that taps into your subconscious to get to the answers waiting within. Know and trust your intuition when you have Hypersthene to help. Hypersthene combats negative thinking and encourages you to stand up for what is right. It doesn't accept others pushing you around and asks only for justice on your behalf. Use Hypersthese at your Third Eye chakra for a clearer vision on life and spirituality.

natural indigo iolite rough stone - satin crystals meaningsIolite is a visionary Third Eye stone that clears your thoughts and opens your mind. Iolite taps into the power of your intuition and brings to the surface psychic and spiritual abilities you didn't even know you had. In worldly matters, Iolite is your financial advisor crystal that helps you clear out of debt.

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natural black ilvaite stone - satin crystals meaningsIlvaite is an anchoring crystal, keeping you grounded and even-keeled so you don't get swept away in a frantic frenzy. It is also intensely protective, serving as the watchtower of your aura. Ilvaite is a Root chakra crystal that keeps calm, teaches you patience, and is forever a beacon of strength.

natural light green jade stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsJade transforms your misfortunes into great luck and prosperity. This gemstone is globally revered for its power of abundance, healing, and good energy. It allows your Heart chakra to flourish with love. Jade is a dream stone, that helps you understand and learn from dreams. Be a part of Jade's power like so many lucky folks before you. It is gorgeous in green and also comes in other fabulous colors

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natural red jasper stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsJasper is the supreme nurturer, ready to provide you with everything you need to succeed. As a work-oriented stone, it wants you to master your craft and reap the benefits of grand accomplishment. Jasper loves to be present in your office or place of business because it is a grounding stone invested in your worldly pursuits and material enjoyment. This versatile stone comes in a wealth of colors and patterns that can be found around the globe, corresponding to various chakras.

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natural black jet stone - satin crystals meaningsJet is a powerful ninja crystal that serves as your first line of defense against outside forces like violence, illness, and curses. Protective Jet helps you tackle your fears, manage your depression, and heal through the grieving process. Jet can balance your Root Chakra. With Jet, you feel safe, secure, and uplifted as you recover from tumultuous situations.

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Natural rough pink Kunzite stone - satin crystals meaningsKunzite rings of unconditional love and spiritual serenity. It is a celestial meditation stone that purifies your soul by removing the negative buildup of earthly karma and trauma. Kunzite gives you a fresh new start on your path, lighting up your Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras so that you're never left lost in the dark. Kunzite is a quiet and humble savior crystal, always ready with a helping hand to lift you, higher and higher.

blue kyanite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsKyanite is an honest mentor crystal that shows you how to dig deep into your soul for truth, healing, and answers. It is a teacher gemstone that helps who are here on the planet to learn. Through the lessons that Kyanite places before you, your soul evolves. This blue crystal resonates with your Throat Chakra, but can also be found in other colors that correspond with additional chakras.

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natural iridescent labradorite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsLabradorite is the slayer of darkness. This fantastic protection crystal keeps your space and energy clear of negative forces. It combats laziness and uplifts you with its rainbows. Labradorite is said to heal the healer and bring out the rainbows of your personality. Bring magic and mystique to your life with Labradorite.  It invigorates your Third Eye Chakra, along with other chakras according to whatever magnificent colors the rainbows behold in each unique piece.


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natural blue lapis lazuli stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsLapis Lazuli awakens the true mystic within you. It is the stone of Total Awareness, jolting alive your intuitive and psychic senses by activating the Third Eye Chakra. Lapis is a must-have crystal for those developing their spirituality, expanding consciousness, and engaging in holistic adventures like meditation, shamanic journeying, Reiki, and astral travel. Lapis is divine, royal, and precious. 

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natural blue larimar gemstone - satin crystals meaningsLarimar comes only from the Caribbean, bringing you calm and soothing energy of the tropics. It is such a cooling crystal, it goes also by the nicknames of Dolphin Stone, Atlantis Stone, and Blue Pectolite. The new age gem attunes you to evolutionary thinking, alternative lifestyles, and progressive spirituality. Use Larimar to open your Throat Chakra and express your soul's desire.

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natural black lava stone - satin crystals meaningsLava lets you feel the power and wrath of a volcano right at your fingertips. This is a stone of decisiveness and strength. Don't mess with Lava, because this protective element scorches negativity swiftly and immediately. Lava stone provides grounding energy that gives you a stronger sense of connection to Mother Earth. Use it to stabilize the Root Chakra. Learn more about Lava, the Fierce Fire Leader.

natural purple lepidolite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsLepidolite relieves stress that is brought on by over-analyzing. It soothes your Crown Chakra, Third Eye, and entire head area. Lepidolite helps you smoothly transition between various chapters in your life, filling in the potholes on this otherwise bumpy ride. It encourages you to experience Earthly pleasures and mishaps but eventually leads you back to spirituality, soul growth, and the quest to nirvana.

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yellow libyan desert glass circle

Libyan Desert Glass Did you know you can conjure up the sun, stars, and sand elements all at once? With rare yellow Libyan Desert Glass of the deep Sahara Desert, the Universe becomes yours. Known as the Great Sea Sand, this beautiful Tektite gemstone delivers bliss to your Solar Plexus chakra while balancing your spiritual and earthly powers harmoniously. 

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natural black and gray limestone stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsLimestone is a multi-dimensional stone that varies in color and composition according to exposed weather and elements. As such, it encourages you to explore your many personalities, hidden skills, and even the world around you. Limestone helps you adapt to different places and situations. This is a grounding stone full of Earth vibes and Root Chakra magic.

natural white magnesite tumbled stone - satin crystals meaningsMagnesite assists you in keeping a positive attitude toward and around even the most difficult people. When used at the Crown and Third Eye Chakras, it has strong abilities to amplify your meditations and visualizations. 

natural green malachite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsMalachite is a Power Stone, powerfully releasing deep hurt, unwanted ties, and emotional traumas from the Heart Chakra. It also protects your Heart Chakra like a bouncer guarding your precious love. Malachite crystals teach you how to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. You don't need to let anyone trample your heart, just open the gates for those with good intentions.


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natural white marble stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsMarble is the gemstone of choice to chisel Gods and Goddesses thanks to its radiant beauty and pure, divine energy. Enduring Marble provides  you with strength, willpower, and mastery of your thoughts. On the spiritual level, Marble brings serenity and works miracles on the Crown and Third Eye Chakras. 

seymchan meteorite specimen - satin crystals meaningsMeteorite space stones have phenomenal power. They deliver the energy of the universe into the palm of your hands. You may feel as though time stops when you lay your fingers on this exciting galactic treasure. Meteorites may help you understand your purpose in the grand scheme of things. There are many types of Meteorites available, they ring with Crown Chakra energy and may also open other Chakras.

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natural mica stone - satin crystals meaningsMica is a calming crystal, its alluring sparkle easing you into a state of relaxation. Whatever stubborn thoughts you may be harboring, Mica discovers and defuses them so that you can learn flexibility and the power of mediation. Mica encourages positive growth, not sideways stagnation. It also helps reduce anxiety. You can find Mica in the Calming Crystals collection. Use Mica to balance the Root Chakra. 

natural green moldavite raw stone meteorite - satin crystals meaningsMoldavite is a highly cherished gemstone Tektite from the Czech Republic with an amazing spiritual vibration. Moldavite healing crystals are perfect for astral traveling the galaxy. It helps you connect with your higher self, guardian angels, and master beings. This Green Tektite opens your Heart chakra to bring true love from the stars above. 

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natural peach moonstone stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsMoonstone invites you to dance under the powerful spell of the moon. This Goddess Stone brings you intense intuitive experiences in a calming and peaceful way. It is a must-have for keeping your life in balance and harmony. Moonstone is associated with fertility, meditation, and relaxation. Use it at the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras.

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moqui balls stone meaningsMoqui Marbles bring you deep spiritual knowledge and native powers. They are called Shaman Stones because they were used by indigenous Moqui Indians in spiritual ceremonial rituals. After doing meditation or healing work that gets your vibration up, you need Moqui Marble balls for Root chakra grounding energy. By holding the protective rocks in your hands, your aura will be sealed from bad energies and influences. 

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natural green and white moss agate stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsMoss Agate rejuvenate your life energy, also known as Chi or Qi. This crystal can be used to balance the Heart Chakra. Those feeling run down by modern life benefit from Moss Agate's earthy energies. What a great crystal to nourish your garden, literally and metaphoricallyLearn more about Agate, the Champion of Life.

Natural rainbow obsidian stone sphere  - satin crystals meaningsObsidian is the number one crystal to protect you from outside negative forces. The draining energy of complaining coworkers, customers, strangers, and even family members are reflected off the stone, keeping your aura safe from a negative onslaught. Obsidian is a must-have for healers in their practice so that the baggage of clients are not passed on to the therapist. Obsidian helps you deal with emotional and physical pain. It is a Root Chakra stone. 

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black onyx stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsOnyx shields you from evil. Black Onyx is a stone known for its popular protection services. Wear this stone when you know you are going to be surrounded by strangers and unknown circumstances. Onyx makes you feel safe and in control of any situation. Popular Black Onyx aligns with the Root chakra, though Onyx can come in other colors as well. 

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natural yellow opal stone sphere - Satin crystals meaningsOpal is a gentle beauty that stimulates your imagination, creativity, and spirituality. It cleanses away your inhibitions and watches over you as you follow your dreams. This stone of new beginnings is your best friend forever, helping you through the transitions and staying with you for every chapter of your life. Opal comes in several natural colors. Each color will correspond to different healing properties and chakras. Learn more about Opal, the Beautiful Dreamer.

natural green peridot stone - satin crystals meaningsPeridot is the most popular kid in school because of its charm. It is a stone that will smile wide and see the good in everyone. Embrace Peridot's friendly energies and make them your own. Let go of anger, jealousy, and fear. This Heart Chakra gemstone helps you release petty emotions and focus on your happy destiny. 

natural brown petrified stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsPetrified Wood keeps you balanced and rejuvenated as it constantly replenishes you with Root Chakra and Earth energy. In today's busy world that gets your mind scattered, Petrified Wood helps you sort things out and take things a little slower. It infuses you with the energy of plants, trees, flora. This mineral is a great choice for nature lovers, gardeners, and those who need a break from their minds. Learn more about Petrified Wood, the Record Keeper of Earth, and History.

natural pietersite stone - satin crystals meaningsPietersite is the "Tempest Stone", but is more like the tempest tamer because it calms down the stress and chaos that's boiling up and ruining your mood. Why be constantly yanked up and down on an emotional rollercoaster when this crystal can help you rise and stay high in the sky. Use Pietersite for emotional stability at the Solar Plexus Chakra and grounding at the Root Chakra. 

natural green prehnite stone - satin crystals meaningsPrehnite is a stone that heals the healer. Whether you are an energy healer, good friend lending an ear, or a supportive family member- prehnite looks after you while you are busy caring for others. It refills your physical energy and your soul energy so that you're not too tired to be your compassionate self. Prehnite works wonders on the Heart Chakra, bringing alive love and understanding. 

natural pyrite cluster stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsPyrite has the nickname "Fool's Gold", as many gold-rushers were tricked into believing they had panned gold. It now stands as its prized gemstone. Lucky Pyrite rakes in wealth, abundance, and treasures. Pyrite is a metallic mineral of opportunity and a big fortune. It protectively shields you from negativity and the evil eye. Pyrite lights up your Crown Chakra while also keeping you grounded in the Root Chakra.

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natural clear quartz stone ball - satin crystals meaningsQuartz is a must-have crystal for any true healer. It is the only crystal that can activate all seven chakras equally, while also clearing your aura. Quartz brings good health, fortune, and clarity of mind. It is the most popular and powerful crystal out. Quartz is prized as the Master Healer, bringing you strength and spiritual growth during times of trouble, and also during times of joy. Quartz comes in many varieties and hosts an array of possible inclusions.

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rhodochrosite sphereRhodochrosite is a stone of Love and Balance. It attracts soul mates of all kinds in your life to help you learn valuable lessons. Use Rhodochrosite to open the Heart chakra to selfless love, compassion, and self-worth.

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natural pink and black rhodonite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsRhodonite is the stone of unwavering loyalty and friendship. It leads you to people who lift you and protect you from people who want to use and abuse you. Rhodonite is a lover, helping you form a network of relationships both platonic and romantic. It solidifies the strength and flow of love energy through your Heart Chakra.

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natural red birds eye rhyolite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsRhyolite is a meditation stone that contributes tranquility to your practice. Stop worrying about an invisible future, says Rhyolite, and focus on the present moment. Skilled and mastered in the Power of Now, Rhyolite also enhances your creativity and beautifies you on all levels. Green Rhyolite is great to balance the Heart Chakra and Red Birds Eye Rhyolite is great to balance the Root Chakra. 

natural pink rose quartz stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsRose Quartz attracts the greatest gift into your life- love. Are you looking for profound connections, both physically and emotionally? Rose Quartz is the stone of romance that is ready to help you find this happiness. Rose Quartz will show you the unfathomable power of an open heart. It activates your Heart Chakra center and lights your aura aglow. 

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natural red ruby stone - satin crystals meaningsRuby is the stone of royalty and passion, it jolts awake the power of your soul. This is a leadership stone, giving you the strength to take control and lead your life instead of scrambling to keep up with everyone else. Ruby is also a stone of passion, encouraging you to forget your excuses and inhibitions so you can follow your bliss. Activate the energies of this crystal at the Root Chakra. 

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natural sandstone stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsSandstone tells a story. It's a story about time, history, and life. Gaze into the grainy desert landscape and let your new treasure take you on a journey back and beyond. Rugged Sandstone boasts brilliant patterns of natural sunrises and rocky terrains. It also stores the energy of Jesus Christ consciousness, ready to expand your mind. Sandstone is a grounding gem that connects you with the Earth Element from the Root Chakra. Get in touch with nature and land with this stone that keeps you truly free-spirited. Sandstone helps unclutter your scattered mind and purge your home of hoarded material items that are no longer useful. 

natural blue sapphire stone - satin crystals meaningsSapphire is the stone of wisdom and prosperity, fit for emperors and empresses. Precious Sapphire attracts joy and reigns an era of peace over your life. Sapphire gets your heart fluttering with its blue hues and charming energy. Use this crystal to open the Third Eye and Throat Chakras. 

Natural Sardonyx stone - satin crystals meaningsSardonyx has the strength and durability of an ox, the protective nature of a lion, and the lustrous beauty of a jaguar.  Sardonyx is a stone that looks out for you over the long haul. Use Sardonyx to ensure you are on track to achieve long-term goals in life. It attracts lasting happiness, stability, friends, partnerships, and fortune. Use Sardonyx at the Root Chakra to keep you grounded and safe.

natural white scolecite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsScolecite is a stone of spiritual development, accompanying you on your quest to inner peace and deep relaxation. Take a deep sigh of relief as Scolecite cleanses your mind of all the nonsense that's been cluttering it up. The white beauty also breaks apart negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that have been haunting you. Scolecite turns your attention to the divine, the pure, the higher order. Use it for meditation and opening the Crown Chakra.  

natural raw selenite gypsum stone - satin crystals meaningsSelenite is the best crystal to seal your aura from energy leaks and spirit possession. It lights the way to a spiritually inclined lifestyle. This healing crystal is all about opening the connection between your Crown chakra and your Higher Self. Use this stone at the Crown and Third Eye chakras to bring clarity of mind, and celestial realization. Selenite comes in a variety of formations


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natural septarian stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsSeptarian gives you a boost of mighty confidence so you feel as strong as a dragon. Go after your goals and command the respect of peers when you have Septarian to guide you. It balances your emotions, untangling you from that messy web of stress and drama. Septarian heals the lower Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root chakras, keeping you strong and rooted.

natural green seraphinite stone - satin crystals meaningsSeraphinite takes your soul for a ride, lifting you on its green feathered wings so you reach new heights and fulfill your spiritual potential. When there's an area in your life that's lackluster and stale, Seraphinite fills in the gaps and makes things happen. It connects with your higher purpose and transforms you from an earth-bound caterpillar to a soaring butterfly. Use Seraphinite at the Heart Chakra for a flurry of vivid new love energy and inspiration. 

natural green serpentine stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsSerpentine harnesses the wise power of the serpent to enhance your Kundalini flow. Feel the enlightening energy twist and coil up your spine, triggering each chakra on its way to your Crown. Holding green Serpentine makes you feel like a new and refreshed person. It sheds away the layers of drama and baggage that were restricting your etheric flow. Use Serpentine at the Heart Chakra and during all Kundalini meditations.

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natural black shungite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsShungite is a handsome shotgun silver protector crystal with a sleek surface. It watches over you during worldly travels and spiritual journeys, ready to eliminate enemy forces that try to obstruct your path. The shiny, reflective surface makes Shungite ideal for gazing. When placed in the home, it wards off negative energy and safeguards you like a top-class security agent stone. Use Shungite to balance your spiritual and physical bodies after doing work at the Root Chakra. 


natural brown smoky quartz stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsSmoky Quartz is the handsome and mysterious slayer of negativity. It keeps you safe by scaring away energy vampires, demons, vicious thoughts, and mischievous people. It is an intense healer, helping you resolve trauma and turmoil so that you can find inner peace. You can benefit from Smoky Quartz by carrying it with you and using the stones to feng shui your space. This keeps your aura full of life and free of trouble. Use this crystal to open and balance the Root chakra.






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natural blue and white sodalite sphere - satin crystals meaningsSodalite deepens your life experiences with its intense colors and vibrations. White whirlwinds form over a navy and black ocean, representing the changing tides of your life. Hold it in your hand for holistic healing or display it as a constant reminder that you are a better and better person day by day. Sodalite calms your mental angst, relieves stress, and activates your intuitive Third Eye Chakra. The stone of great ideas is excellent for students, philosophers, healers, and visionaries.

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natural soapstone stone - satin crystals meaningsSoapstone creates a calm environment so you can focus on releasing old routines and form fresh new ones. It is used to stimulate ambition. Soapstone is a salt-of-the-earth mineral that grounds you to nature. It can come in colorful earthy tones or hues of blue and grey, associated with a variety of chakras.

Natural metallic gray stibnite stones - satin crystals meaningsStibnite is rare, attractive, delicate, and powerful. This metallic silver mineral is a prosperity stone, attracting new opportunities for growth and wealth. Stibnite encourages you to leap forward toward new beginnings and positive changes. Use this crystal to open the Root Chakra, and watch the transformations happen all around you.

natural pink stilbite cluster - satin crystals meaningsStilbite is a stone that calms your mind and gently drives you up the path toward inner peace. Take a soul trip toward nirvana when you embrace Stilbite as your mentor. It teaches you to let go of the trivial things and find happiness in stillness and simplicity. Use this crystal to balance the Heart Chakra. 

natural purple and black sugilite stone - satin crystals meaningsSugilite is one of the spiritual superstar stones that delivers you a sense of love and wisdom. It aids forgiveness of yourself and others so you can move on from the past and deeply enjoy the present. The bright and motivational purple hues of Sugilite are pleasing to the eye and inspire you to see life's beauty in the finest detail. Sugilite rains purple healing light onto your divine and spiritual Crown  Chakra. 

natural red sunstone stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsSunstone is the sparkly stone of light and happiness. It specialized in vaporizing your dark moods and instead reminds you to not only enjoy each minute of life but cherish each second. It vibrates with the life force chi, helping you to achieve health and happiness. Sunstone is a well-charged crystal, cleansing and transforming anyone or anything that comes in its path. Use the stone to open and balance the Solar Plexus shakra. It strengthens your desire, goals, intellect, and optimism to the max.

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natural black tektite meteorite - satin crystals meaningsTektite is a black glassy Impactite that can be found around the world in craters. It holds the energy of time and space, allowing you to travel between Earth and different realms via out-of-body experience. Tektite ties you to aliens and the supernatural, activating your Crown and Root Chakras. It is a must-have Meteorite for deep space lovers. 


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natural tetrahedritestone cluster - satin crystals meaningsTetrahedrite brings order to your scatter-brained lifestyle. Meditate with Tetrahedrite to eliminate confusion and doubt, replacing it with clear visions and goals. Drifters, doubters, nomads, and searchers find new meaning and possibility with this stone. Use it for grounding your Root Chakra.

natural golden brown tigers eye stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsTigers Eye is your fierce and protective guardian, always on your side despite the situation. The keen eye of the tiger helps keep you focused and aware. It gives you cutting edge success in business and the sense of courageousness to go forth in your many ventures. Tigers Eye is the Sacral Chakra stone of ultimate success, bringing out the winner within you. 





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topaz sphereTopaz is a twinkling treasure of the magical crystal healing world. Available in many attractive colors, Topaz fills your aura with positive vibrations, good mood, and healthy thoughts. It provides you with a direct connection to the spiritual realm and the kingdom of animal guardians. Topaz is a spiritual stone that accentuates your confidence, joy, and natural healing process.

natural pink rubellite in white quartz stone sphere - satin crytals meaningsTourmaline is the black widow of gemstones. Dark and mysterious, revered, and feared. Black Tourmaline boosts your energies when activated and repels negativity when asked. Use this protection stone when you are in a crowd, facing a nemesis, or having a dismal day. While Black Tourmaline replenishes the root chakra, Tourmaline comes in other colors like pink, green, blue, and red that heal other chakras.

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natural green and black turquoise stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsTurquoise unites sky and earth energies and centers your body firmly in the present moment. Turquoise is an excellent travel stone, promoting communication and problem solving with your companions. It aids you on your worldly trips and also on your spiritual quests. Turquoise is a teacher of life lessons, ready to pass on secret wisdom to you. Use the crystal to open and balance the Throat and Heart Chakras. Learn more about Turquoise, the Astral and Physical Journeying Crystal.

natural green unakite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsUnakite is here to gently open up the obstacle blocking your artistic expression. Use it at the Heart Chakra to let love and appreciation for natural beauty to flow. The world is full of amazing miracles and Unakite wants you to enjoy them fully. Whether you are an artist, a writer, a performer, or someone who aspires to get in touch with their creativity, this healing stone is a must.  

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natural red vanadinite cluster stone - satin crystals meaningsVanadinite tells you to go for it- live the dazzling life! Indulge in that fancy sequence gown, the finest bottle of whiskey, the dream house of your choice. Vanadinite breaks your mental barriers so you can break through life's barriers. It is a crystal that loves life on Earth and teaches you to do the same by energizing your Root Chakra.  

natural green zoisite stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsZoisite is motivational and clears away lazy or procrastinator mentality so that you achieve your goals and dreams. Time is precious, time is short, and Zoisite wants you to make the most of it. This crystal opens up your Heart Chakra to a gush of love and inspiration. It gives meaning and purpose to your actions.

 Healing crystals are collectible and entertainment items. Crystal healing information should be used in addition to medical care, not as a substitute. 

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Disclaimer: Crystal healing information is for fun and entertainment only. It is not a replacement for medical treatments.